LED Light Therapy

Rejuvenating • Anti-Aging • Detoxing



*Appointment times may vary per person based on treatment needed.

LED Light Therapy Facial
75.00 | 50 minutes

LED Light Therapy Facial/Series of 6

LED Light Therapy Facial/Series of 12




LED Light Therapy

LED Light Therapy is a non-invasive, natural photo-biochemical reaction, resulting in the light delivering energy to the skin. The energy that is produced by the Light Emitted Diodes (LEDs) enhances cellular metabolism, accelerates the repair and replenishment of damaged skin cells. It also helps in stimulating the production of ATP, the cell’s fuel system. Thus, the LED gives the cells a ‘full tank of fuel,’ and fibroblast cells produce new collagen and elastin to provide the skin with a more youthful appearance.

Red Light

Red Light penetrates the deeper layers of the skin, allowing the skin to heal quickly. The light stimulation increases blood flow, helping to bring nutrients and cellular growth factors to the treated areas. It also stimulates fibroblast and collagen production to strengthen the skin. It encourages the lymph vessels to open and drain more efficiently, removing toxins and promoting a healthier-looking skin.

Blue Light

Blue Light absorbs into the skin and naturally kills bacteria, to discourage and combat acne, rosacea and help reduce inflammation. It also helps with the inflammation of eczema and dermatitis. 


  • Diminished fine lines and wrinkles

  • Kills acne bacteria to reduce inflammation and clear the skin

  • Reduction of redness

  • Reduction of pore size

  • Skin tone is improved

  • Sun-damaged skin

  • Increased circulation to the skin

  • Elastin and collagen production are regenerated and stimulated

  • Melanin production is reduced, resulting in fewer age spots

  • Pigmentation is improved

  • Calms rosacea

  • Your skin looks healthier, younger and smoother

‣ The Luminox System is recommended as a stand-alone skin renewal treatment and as an adjunction to other skin anti-aging procedures to enhance results.